Dark Skies


Very few people today have access to truly dark skies. When you step outside and scan the sky, chances are you may be missing some of the most stunning objects the night sky has to offer even on a perfectly clear night due to artificial light pollution. The International Dark Sky Association is hoping to change that by raising awareness and offering ways everyone can help.

A simple way to help is by turning off all but necessary lights at night, and consider replacing outdoor lights with motion sensors and full cutoff fixtures that send the light toward the ground, where it’s needed. Light fixtures that remain on all night and send light above the horizon contribute to the city glow above most of us every night. You can learn more about how we can save energy and prevent waste light here:


We’ve raised $1,000 of our goal of $3,500 in our Community Telescopes 2021 fundraiser! Thanks for your support! You can help by sharing the word about the campaign at this link:


Join Standley Lake Stargazing for “The Stellar Zoo” Wed. April 14 @ 6:00 PM (Mountain Time) as we look at stars, quasars, clusters and other curious objects in the universe. Email register@standleylakestargazing.com to sign up. 

Stay well, and clear skies!

Aric VyhmeisterComment